Saturday, March 29, 2008

What Is Healing?

This is a question I've been exploring for quite some time now. I have no clear, definite answers ~ just a series of inklings & intuitions, born of the continuing journey ...

~ Love, Peace & Harmony ~

* Profound Wisdom Rooted in Ancient Spiritual Traditions
* Simple & Enjoyable Practice Techniques
* Miracles:
~ physical healing
~ emotional transformation
~ spiritual deepening & expansion

Moments which have felt deeply healing to me have been those in which I've felt embraced by Spirit: a kind of fluid Light or Love infusing every cell of my Being. Often ~ but not always ~ they have included relief, large or small, from physical symptoms. I have felt uplifted, at one with a joyful Presence, a sense of comfort, ease and enjoyment, a deep trust in the inherent Good of the Universe, and my place within it.

Meet Dr. Sha

Now each of us, of course, must find our own way into healing. We come not only with our shared humanity, but also with a wholly unique set of circumstances: physical, mental, emotional gifts and challenges. What's right for one person may hold little resonance for the next.

For me, Dr. Sha's Presence and the Soul Mind Body techniques have been deeply healing. I appreciate Master Sha's capacity to work with the most challenging of physical and emotional conditions, while at the same time holding a vision for our individual and collective spiritual awakening. I love that he offers weekly "Soul Massage" and "Divine Group Healing, Rejuvenation & Transformation" sessions, which infuse every aspect of our physical, mental & emotional Being with potent healing energy: a truly Divine frequency of Love and Light. For this reason ~ from a place of excitement and gratitude ~ I offer this introduction to his work. It's my way of "giving back" ~ a sharing of the wealth of what I've received. So I welcome you, and encourage you to explore, to see if there might be something here for you also.

If not, I wish you well in finding another context for your unfolding: your return to Source, your deepest healing. And if it does feel right ~ if your intuition is saying "yes" ~ I encourage you to explore, and relish these numerous treasures ~ rooted in ancient wisdom and offered to us now through the kindness of Dr. Zhi Gang Sha.

Below you'll find a series of videos, a listing of some of the many free services offered by Dr. Sha, and brief introductions to several key components of the Soul Mind Body system. For more detailed information about any of this, please visit Dr. Sha's website.

Bon Voyage!
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